
          	so this is gonna come as a shocker- i'm dead LMAO
          	anyway so its been maaaaybe a ... (checks watch) a dECADE-? since i've posted,  but know im still around, just not...a total weeb anymore? LOL
          	blah blah updates you could care less about:
          	- had ovarian cancer (im afab) twice and now im clean 
          	- will be graduating college soon (yippie!)
          	- im 22 now 
          	anyway, wattpad, this was fun for awhile, but i doubt i'll ever come back, considering how much this website has changed and how much pay wall there is holy christ LMAOOOOO ("back in my day" we used to have status bars and free reading-)
          	well, keep it classy ladies/gents/all of the above, and keep being yer nasty lil selves. its currently 3 AM as im writing this, but its for the greater good!


          so this is gonna come as a shocker- i'm dead LMAO
          anyway so its been maaaaybe a ... (checks watch) a dECADE-? since i've posted,  but know im still around, just not...a total weeb anymore? LOL
          blah blah updates you could care less about:
          - had ovarian cancer (im afab) twice and now im clean 
          - will be graduating college soon (yippie!)
          - im 22 now 
          anyway, wattpad, this was fun for awhile, but i doubt i'll ever come back, considering how much this website has changed and how much pay wall there is holy christ LMAOOOOO ("back in my day" we used to have status bars and free reading-)
          well, keep it classy ladies/gents/all of the above, and keep being yer nasty lil selves. its currently 3 AM as im writing this, but its for the greater good!