Thinking about taking a break from social media for a bit... Idk, it's just been draining lately. Also now that I'm back to work, I just feel I need to back off a little so I can work on the fics I have planned to release by the end of the year. Also... Am I gonna continue EJAV?? ....I don't know. I'm not really feeling it anymore tbh. At first I liked the direction it was going in, but... It kinda flopped if I'm gonna be honest. So.. I don't know. The main one I plan on releasing is Citrina's story, which I feel is gonna be the next Emethyst's Journey with how big I intend on making it. It will be 100% written by me, no co-writers, betas, or anything like that this time. All 100% done by me. I give you my word. ❤️