((I'm right now I'm helping my cousin Sanchez, who walked 3 hours to get home to us from a car crash someone caused him on Ford Rd and Wayne. So I'll be on and off))
Welp I just finished posting a starter page of a book I'm making...it's informational before i get into working on the story, which some of the preview description tells of what I'm going to do with it when I work on it some more.
Goti: Heheh I'm glad to know your a fellow markimoo lover/fan like I am even though I messed up that phrase... It's supposed to be "Heeeeey! You do you and I'll do me and we won't do each other.... probably."
Heya- sorry if I don’t answer any recent texts or calls— my parents found something of mine that id prefer not to discuss but I thought I’d tell you here so you don’t think I’m ghosting you. I’ll tell you when I can text again alright-? I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year
((I just noticed something about some of the Undertale AU's and that is lamiatale/Hissytale are underappreciated, and to me that's just sad since I adore both snakes and Undertale.))