You're amazing :]
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Me looking back on when I used ":3" And "UwU" and ":P" All that: . . . W H A T - (No Offense to Ya'll- I just find myself cringe with everything I do-)
You're amazing :]
Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your art! And I was wondering what drawing platform you use? :) ❤️
@Emmacurry161 Oh- Thank You! And I used to use mainly "Sketchbook" But recently I've used more-so "IbisPaint X"! ^^ Hope this is usefull!
Me looking back on when I used ":3" And "UwU" and ":P" All that: . . . W H A T - (No Offense to Ya'll- I just find myself cringe with everything I do-)
Go Ahead and Join! Open for Everyone ^^ https://discord.gg/HUrqhU5Gb9
You ever know when your hands straight up enter the gates of hell without you and just decide to mess up all the Shit you wanted to put effort into, because this hyper-like mode just kicks in and decides to fuckin' make you die- YEAH THAT'S ME RN= HEOSP-- THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP- ofdfdjnIOHFdjhfioslkdfuoi
;-; Why is it when I update books, people see them.. They like them.. But no one comments- I wait for the comments to see if people likie them, or maybe have constructive criticism- >:,V But no one comments- ;-; How do I know if I messed something up, or if people like it, if no one comments- I don’t :,I
@crazyocshipper It doesn't matter- I just want people to say at least they like it ;_;
Hello Friends! Sorry I’ve been so inactive- ,:D I’m going to try an be on more, so please forgive me and be patient- q.q I’m really bad at remember I have accounts on things half the time, and then when I finally remember, it’s been like- Ages- QwQ Sooo.. I’m trying- Sorry friendos- TwT
@crazyocshipper Thank you! And yeah, don’t you hate it when your mind does that? QwQ
Can I get some hugs?-
@Preciouspatterson2 Y e A h - [ + Huggo + ] (Damn- Sorry for being EXTREMELY Late-)
As we know, FNF has gotten very popular lately.. Which only gives me one thing to say.. Who wants me to post a picture of Valentine Pico..? -v- And should I make other characters saying “Happy Valentines Day”? (I did Pico cause he’s the Mascot of Newgrounds, K. 7-7)
Y'all I'm in such a peeved off mood, I've been trying to download a game for the last F*CKING HOUR and my dumb a__ Chromebook is saying I have "to much space" when I have 10 pictures and no games, then I see the Chromebook is taking up it's own space, and I can't fix it.. Like WTF??? How do I fix that bullsh*t!?
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