
My apologies for being nonexistent. Life is spiralling around me I have a really big thing happening tomorrow afternoon that I'm terrified of going badly and the state of my country is a Sham I will update the Husker's book as soon as my dopamine and the hyperfixation come back


My apologies for being nonexistent. Life is spiralling around me I have a really big thing happening tomorrow afternoon that I'm terrified of going badly and the state of my country is a Sham I will update the Husker's book as soon as my dopamine and the hyperfixation come back


Привет. :333 Я хочу задать вопрос. Так как я начинающий писатель то хочу попросить тебя дать мне пару советов, если не трудно. И ещё один вопрос. Когда ты выложила первый фф через какое время он приобрёл ожиотаж????


I've been very inactive I apologize, it is spooky season and I have too much planned but it's okay! Idk when I'll be writing again but I'll try to remember to update. Also, I'm doing spooky makeup all October please give me ideas (easy I'm TERRIBLE at makeup)


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@Gothic_Bxbie IK i'm late, BUT CYN'S (From murder drones (idk if you have seen it)) MAKEUP IS GORGEOUS AS FUCK (I cosplayed her XD) AND EASYYY


@Gothic_Bxbie Its alright, we understand! Take all the time you need, and we'll be here for you!
            Also, as a story suggestion, maybe you can do something like my first published story on here? Not like a complete copy, but similar, yk?


I was gonna update today but low-key, work killed me so no update cause I'm physically exhausted, in pain and have a migraine.


Thanks y'all 


@Gothic_Bxbie Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing rest of your day! Get well soon!


Y'all, I woke up from a weird ass dream (which usually occurs at least 5 or six times a year if not more) but this one involved my ex and she and Anthony old friend I don't talk with anymore and we had gone to the same college (which we didn't irl so I'm so confused about what my brain is trying to tell me) like we all went camping, which isn't something we did ever? And like it's been SEVEN years I don't couscously think about these people ever and yet in my dream we're all hanging out like we're besties and it was so uncomfortable for me cause I didn't understand what was happening?
          Is this normal?!  Like I don't understand.


@Gothic_Bxbie I know it's not anything to be worried about because I get dreams of x friend dying if something is wrong. But it was still so weird. I checked their insta out of curiosity and considering she's older than me and the bio says 18, I'm assuming she's no longer on the internet cause I'm 22 now. So imma just pass it off as it's fine cause idrc enough to deep dive into that over a dream where I went camping with my ex.  Still very confused but. I appreciate the help. 
            (When I say this I mean I literally woke up from a dream of my friend falling off a roof just to check my phone for the time, since I was awake and that same friend was texting me they were on the brink of unaliving, 45minutes before I woke up)


            It probably isn't anything to worry about. I've had dreams sort of similar with old friends that I haven't seen in a while suddenly being with me at amusement parks or somewhere else I don't often go. Just the brain tagging together random stimuli as it recharges. But if it is worrying you maybe call them up and ask if everything is okay. I've heard of cases where people have weird dreams that were almost like actual premonitions, which I don't believe in but always better safe than sorry.


Y'all how do I submit a story to wattys? I'm having trouble 


@Princesslover19 I have but I'm not seeing the specific button it's telling me. And I'm wondering if I'm looking in the wrong spot 


@Gothic_Bxbie I think just go to written works and then go onto a chapter then press submit in the top right corner. I forgot how to on laptop!


Did anyone else get a notification about reading for coins. It started on the 11th and I just got notified about it one day before it ends. And it says it was for two weeks but 11th-17th isn't even one week


@RyumbaByumba Wattpad always be on drugs. 


@Marswcue I haven't til yesterday and I was like well it's a little late for that