
Hey So I want you guys to tell me which stories you like out of the four because I think I'm going to keep my All Time Low Story (Dreams Identity) and my new story about the bad boy (The Secrets We Keep). It would really help me out and I would love that. If you could share it around to that would also be nice.


Hey So I want you guys to tell me which stories you like out of the four because I think I'm going to keep my All Time Low Story (Dreams Identity) and my new story about the bad boy (The Secrets We Keep). It would really help me out and I would love that. If you could share it around to that would also be nice.


Hey guys I would like to tell you that I started a new story with my best friend and I really like how it is turning out so if you guys could go cheek it out and be awesome like that. That would be great. It is called Dreams Identity and it is an  All Time Low story so please cheek it out. I would also like to say I am so sorry about not updating My Surf Story and New Friends Next Door and I will try to get to that as soon as I can. I love you all even though I don't know you but whatever 
          Love you 