Hi, followers! It's been forever since I've been on here, but I am back, and hopefully for a while! Long story short I tried to go to school for writing and a professor of mine completely crushed my writing spirit. But that's to a suggestion from a friend, I'm trying to get it back . One of the ways I hope to help is by getting some of my older stories read and reading others in return. I have just posted a Read for Read book so post your stories if you got them! And make sure to share if you know others who would like some recognition for their works.

@GraceFullbuster Hi Grace. Welcome back! I am in the same shoe, well kind of, like you. I am hoping to get some of my older stories read. I have been struggling to share stories that I've written since I started writing 10 + years ago. I think it is time I build my writing environment where I can eventually comes to it as a comfort zone. I don't want to ever stop writing, but as of now, I think I need to before I loose interest so I want to share it with others. I saw your story and will read and comment. Already find the title interesting. My story is not all there yet but it's the beginning of me sharing my work. I hope you can follow and read along as I post each week. Thank you!