
When you don't check this god forsaken app for a couple months and you cant even scroll through all your notifs.


So I just finished reading Dark Corners and the sequel to it and I cannot express how much I loved it all! It was so well made and it had so many twists! Those 2 have to be my favorite bools now! You did amazing :)


@Hopepaw32 Well thank you so much!! Those were the first books I ever wrote. Lol I never imagined they'd get thr attention they get now. Thank you so much for your kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed them so much!! <3


          Y/N's in-book personality?
          All I need to do is choose 1 out of the 3 covers I've made. I'm partial to one of them, but I like getting feedback on stuff like this, so if you could look out in the next...5 minutes or so from a chapter from my art book, that'd be sick.


          Been thinking about starting a BTS story.
          I haven't really come up with much of a plot yet, but I have motivation to write BTS stories until the depths of night before school now.
          Anyone interested?
          I know a lot of people still like my YouTube stories, and it means a lot. It means so much cause thats how I somehow got "popular" on the god forsaken app.
          I wanna say thank you. Thank you from the depths of my heart.
          But I'm just curious as to if anyone is interested into different things that I wanna right.
          Love you guys! Stay healthy!! <3


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Yo, chapters prolly gonna be suuuuuper fucking long. I'm almost at 1000 words and im not even fully done with my idea yet.
          I would make it 2 parts, but I'm too lazy to do that, and I already have a title and a plan, so I'm not up for that.
          Hope you guys like it when it comes out tho.
          Should be out soon.
          Feels kinda nice to write again.
          I like what I'm writing too, so thats always good.
          AnYways, I'll stop blabbing now. I'm tired, and I've got school in the morning and I actually have to go in tomorrow.. G'night everybody, stay safe! Stay healthy! <3


Got somethin in the works rn.
          Not a new book, cause clearly i dont follow through with any ideas I come up with for those.
          But a new chapter in my smut n fluff.
          It's a new thing.
          Call it an experiment, but hopefully you guys will respond well. 
          Thanks for all the support too even though I'm barely active anymore and have like- no finished books except the ones I started with on this account.
          I appreciate all the love. <3


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Yo wattpad. Why you broke?
          You tellin me I got 5 notifs but I don't see shit brah.


@GraceThings no clue but hey I had hope for a second of my life-


@AntiStarFox Now that's just ridiculous. How does wattpad manage that??