
Tomorrow, new book coming! Here's the Desc. 
          	Canada Wayward is to be forgotten in a matter of years, and it's meant to be that way. In a car crash that changed her fate, she became a vampire. Now, after her parole period, she moves to a small town, in The-Middle-of-Nowhere, Michigan. Her full intention is to leave without any roots, and protect the secret of her existence. 
          	But, on a trip to the grocery store to purchase some eggs, she meets a boy with numbers and facts that change her outlook on the world, forever. Is she able to keep this secret?


Tomorrow, new book coming! Here's the Desc. 
          Canada Wayward is to be forgotten in a matter of years, and it's meant to be that way. In a car crash that changed her fate, she became a vampire. Now, after her parole period, she moves to a small town, in The-Middle-of-Nowhere, Michigan. Her full intention is to leave without any roots, and protect the secret of her existence. 
          But, on a trip to the grocery store to purchase some eggs, she meets a boy with numbers and facts that change her outlook on the world, forever. Is she able to keep this secret?


For science! What are y'all's favorite AU's?


@the_stranger5 ooooh! I like that one!


@Gracetheunicorn  cyberpunk (not the game) something more Detroit become human style


@Gracetheunicorn enemies to friends to lovers but make it a coffeeshop


Okay, y'all, have to share this ultimate moment of kindness with you all. I got a random phone call from a number near my area, I had just texted one of my friends who is in boot camp, and thought that for maybe some reason, it was him calling. It wasn't, it was some random dude who sounded about my age. Corresponding conversation: 
          Him: Hello? 
          Me: Hello?
          Him: Can I make this a conference call?
          Me: Who is this?
          Him: Old friend, old friend, 
          Me: Have a nice day.
          So, I did what most people should do, and blocked him. Then a Pennsylvania number called me twice, so I blocked him. I get a text from another number, and he said, 'Hey, my friends are being idiots, I'm so sorry. I tried talking them out of it, but they went on with it. We don't know you, but they hold something against you, but I don't. Then, he sent me wholesome memes to apologize, that made my sister and I both smile. 
          If you're reading this, man (Which I highly doubt) I hope that you know I don't hold anything against you, you're chill, and thank you for those great memes. 
          Anyway, lesson I learned is that when you're friends start calling a random number, send that random number wholesome and clean memes.


Flash back to the one time this year when a bird got stuck in the second floor of my high school. Flew over my friend groups head, too. Evidently, so many people called about it, they had to make an announcement saying that they know there was a bird, and that they were trying to capture it. My civics teacher just goes, ‘it’s too early for this.’ As he gave the speaker a confused look. A think a girl in my class almost got hit, but it at least flew past her. 


@Gracetheunicorn I remember that. My friend, Ciann, who was on the FIRST floor, lost her mind over it, lol