
@Everyone (?is this how you do it??) does anyone remember what the name/Title is to the Naruto & Bioshock crossover that had the Female Naruto that had been taken by as a baby after the Kyubi attack that Minato and Kushina survived by a female where Female Naruto(MC) is tested on with the splicers(?)(the things that gave them those different powers as/like Poison, Electric(?) & such) that do to the Kyubi sealed inside her(MC) she(MC) ends up adapting to the said different powers where she(MC) ends up as like something close to The Big Daddy beings??? here on Wattpad cause I’ve been looking for it but I can’t find it which isn’t helped by the fact I remember it having like only 3 tags


It’s “Big Sister? Or Mama?” By “Strife32”


Never mind I found it 