
Hey you guys!
          	I know I've been inactive for a really long time, and I sincerely apologize. This year was not a kind one, and I needed to take some time and focus on school, dance, and my mental health. I had fallen into a depression/slump, and I just had no motivation to  do anything. Any that I had was devoted to school and my team. I would be completely drained halfway through the day and I have been running on empty for a while now. But now I'm doing much, much better; and I will be doing my best to make time for some new content. Thanks for sticking with me, and hope you enjoy what's coming soon!


Hey you guys!
          I know I've been inactive for a really long time, and I sincerely apologize. This year was not a kind one, and I needed to take some time and focus on school, dance, and my mental health. I had fallen into a depression/slump, and I just had no motivation to  do anything. Any that I had was devoted to school and my team. I would be completely drained halfway through the day and I have been running on empty for a while now. But now I'm doing much, much better; and I will be doing my best to make time for some new content. Thanks for sticking with me, and hope you enjoy what's coming soon!


I just want to thank you all soooooo much for getting I Dont Lose to 1k and getting Call Me Sometime up to 3k. Im soo glad that all of you took the time out of your lives to read my stories,vote and comment. It means the world to me. Im entering those two, In The Darkness and POSSIBLY Dreaming With Open Eyes in the Wattys!!! Im realllyyyy excited for that so if you guys could spread the word that would be a-mazing!!! 
          Thank you all sooo much!!! I love you!!!❤


Hey lovlies!!! The stroy is coming along..............i hate makung you guys wait. If u want to give me ideas abou what should happen, just message me, and will mention u in an authirs note!!!!! I hop its finished soon!!!!!!! <3 u guys, sorry. Agan......


People who are reading Never Again, I will have to re-write it because the chapters deleted themselves. I will have it fixed, and write an authors note to any new readers who are like "What the heck? Why are her chapters all dumb and screwed up?" I will fix it, because I would hate to piss off all of my beautiful readers! <3