
@Jilted Of course I can!x


some people are just so fucking bitchy. why go around bashing people's writing? i'll tell you why- just to make yourself feel better because you suck at life. please just go away because honestly the people you are making feel like shit are probably going to end up being famous authors and then you can take your bullshit and bitchiness somewhere else and no one will like you because you were a dick to someone really amazing. i literally have no time for people like that and neither will anyone else. give people a chance, they can write what they like and be who they want to be. i get that sometimes people write some weird stuff that might be major carrot and it does get really annoying but really it is their life, if they want to write creepy carroty shit then just don't read it and leave them alone because it isn't your problem if they want to make a dick of themselves. making them feel worthless is just not the answer. carrots are annoying, yes, but literally doing mean things and having a go at them isn't going to change the way they are, it will just make them feel like shit. sometimes with carrots i just think they don't even understand whats happening and why everyone hates them but they'll learn. they can't be told bc they are genuinely clueless so just leave it. my real issue though is when people hate on others who are actually doing really good. i saw this happening and it fucks me off so much. this person is a better writer than all of you's put together, so leave her the fuck alone and take your lies somewhere else. have a nice day.