
Wow, have I been gone a long time.  I've posted a new short story called "We Call Him Homey" and the new interface on this site took me a while to figure out.  It's easier, but wow is it different than what it was.
          	Anyway, I'm glad to be back (with a new story, in case you missed it).


Wow, have I been gone a long time.  I've posted a new short story called "We Call Him Homey" and the new interface on this site took me a while to figure out.  It's easier, but wow is it different than what it was.
          Anyway, I'm glad to be back (with a new story, in case you missed it).


Ah, Gav is a darn fine individual and his works are thoroughly engrossing and enjoyable.  You're in capable hands, there.  As a matter of fact, if you discovered me via Flying Clean, Gav is the one to thank for its sudden spike in popularity.  Anyhow, you flatter me.  I'll try not to disappoint, but it's going to be a while before I have something new to post.  I've got a novel in the oven, and it's only just now starting to smell savory.


I'm awed and humbled by all the new fans and comments that have come about in the past couple of months.  Thank you all so much for following, giving feedback and praise, and--most importantly--for reading the words I've wrestled to a draw, time after time.  
          When I started writing, I thought that a larger audience would come on its own; twelve years later, I know that it has to be earned, and that it has to be GIVEN, as well.  Given by readers like all of you, and by more active supporters who keep me going and feed me opportunities like biscuits.  You know who you are, and you know you have my thanks.  
          As my audience continues to grow, so grows the pressure I feel to commit to my writing, and commit to making it the best of my ability.  So for that, possibly above all else, I thank you all for the nudging.  With your help, my best is yet to come.


@Kakarot89 I see.  Yeah, it's a quality film made by a quality filmmaker.  The only complaint I have with John Carpenter is that he insisted on using his own music in his movies.  In The Mouth of Madness is indeed a quite enjoyable film though.  It's a good way to get a day's worth of Lovecraft in a two hour window.