
Daisuki Graezia-san!!!! As you see my real name is Alyannah. I'm an otaku. Iove anime and manga. I collect mangas from another countries. So we're on the same boat! *GASP!* 
          Do you know "ONE PUNCH MAN?!" I love that story!!!
          Anyways.. it's an honor to have a conversation with another otaku. I hope we can get along!


Hi Alyannah!! I really hope that we got along :-))) otakus are rare so it's my pleasure to talk to you too. You see, I'm addicted to mangas and animes anddd some people doesn't understand me sooo it is really nice chatting to someone who have the same hobby as you


This is the otakunotgamer speaking......we are...at war!!!
          werewolves vs. vampires. Who shall win?!
          Find out at the next post conversation of 'the vampire and werewolf revolution!!!!' HUUWAARR!!!ROAR!!!!!


LOL! Sure I'll wait for it 


Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Oh. My. God. Are you a manga/anime addict? Are you Japanese/ love Japanese culture? My sister loves anime. I love manga. And thanks for following me. Now I love you!


You mean the Great Alpha Theo Lupine in action? Well yass! I've read many werewolf books. I've forgot their storylines because their too many XD!! What's your favorite book? Mine's the good girls bad boys and the wallflower revenge 


Yes, Though I'm very obsessed with werewolf that I read stories about them the whole time. By the way, my first werewolf story that I've read on Wattpad was 'The Alpha' by Kayleab18. Have you read it before.?


Yeepppp I'm definitely an otaku. I'm not a Japanese, I'm a filipino. I love their culture. I love you too. By the way I have a slight obsession in werewolf books. 