
Okay, I've been inspired and I've started writing another book, so now there are two books on the way. I'll be posting them both when they're finished. 


When would u post again, make it soon, I have already fallen for the story


@IsabelIbie I think you'll be happy to know that I will post soon. I have a looooot of chapters, I just need to get to my goal amount before I start to post again ✌️


To all those who read Forest Freak, I have an announcement to make. Since school has been keeping me busy these past few months I decided to take down the story so that I could complete it and then post the entire story rather than making people wait for ages for one chapter. The book itself is almost complete, but I still need time. I'll see you all when the story returns


what happened to forest freak I loved it so much?


@GranetPlanet ok I'm looking forward to read it and take the time you need 


@dragonslayernaka to tell you the truth I've been busy with school and I chose to finish the entire story and post it when I can. It's been very difficult for me though. What I can tell you though is that I'm very close to finishing it.


hai! Wanna do an r4r thing? an r4r is where two writers read and vote on and support each others stories! we can also give feed back if you want it! Sadly r4r's are kinda the only way to get bigger on wattpad, and you kinda gotta self promote a bunch but yeah.