Sooooo, I’ve been pretty inactive, due to the fact that it’s Summer, and I want to get outside, and have virtual chats with friends, and completely ignored SO many things going on in this world. One of those things that have become very famous, recently is something called Black Lives Matter, which I’m sure you’ve heard about, and if not, please find time to educate yourself on this particular topic.
It honestly hurts me to say this, but there are still people in this world who are racist. They think that they have the right to damage other people because of what COLOR they are?!
A CRAYOLA box is more diverse than this, if you want to segregate yourself, do it from EVERYONE IN THE WORLD, WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT AND THATS WHAT MAKES US HUMAN.
This is truly a messed up action that will have people protesting for their rights, which is completely fair. I thought we solved this years ago, when MLKJ was around? I guess not. If you think that PEOPLE can be HURT OR DISGRACED because they’re DIFFERENT FROM YOU? You’re dead wrong, I may not be your color and understand what pain and harsh treating, or injury you’ve gone through, but I want you to know that I will always fight for you, I will always believe that we can solve the segregation, in this world, and you know if you are one of those people, if you are, I PLEAD with you to stop. I BEG for you to stop. That is messed up on SO many levels...