Don't forget to join the Contest Connection's Discord server and drop a link to your Wattpad contest so users can find it! Join up if you love participating in contests and want to find them easier! The server is open to all Wattpad members! The link never expires so spread it around so we can build a large contest community!
All right everyone so I did a thing ... I created a discord server for contests .Since we've lost the forums it's become harder for hosts to find contestants and for users to find contests they want to join. The server is open to anyone who wants to join. I'm still tweaking things, so if you have any issues let me know!
We're open for business! Do you need a graphic? Check out our shop and our amazing designers! Or are you looking for a home, a place to design that's more like a family? Come check out book "Darkness" and see if this is the right group for you!