Doamneeeee ! Ai niste cărți .... Unde ai fost până acum ?
Reading Lists
Twenty one pilots was there for me in my darkest times. Every time when i needed to calm down my anxiety, or to ease my mind. Tøp was there. So now seeing my boy Tyler becoming a father I'm like dude... You fucking made it. You're alive and you made everything you wanted possible Uitandu ma in spate și gandindu ma this guy tried to take his own life. Been through depression, anxiety, battling with his own demons, with his own fears and insecurities. Now he's a fucking father It made cry a little bit seeing him so happy I'm so proud of him, and proud of twenty one pilots for what they become ____ Even tho i kinda forget about this account i really wanted to express my happiness here.
@Graveyard-- Nu știu cine ești, nu ascult Twenty one pilots, dar mesajul acesta mă face și pe mine puțintel emțională. Mă bucur să știu că o persoană din lumea asta chiar a avut parte de o așa schimbare frumoasă. Sper că acum e ferit
Doamneeeee ! Ai niste cărți .... Unde ai fost până acum ?
Twenty one pilots was there for me in my darkest times. Every time when i needed to calm down my anxiety, or to ease my mind. Tøp was there. So now seeing my boy Tyler becoming a father I'm like dude... You fucking made it. You're alive and you made everything you wanted possible Uitandu ma in spate și gandindu ma this guy tried to take his own life. Been through depression, anxiety, battling with his own demons, with his own fears and insecurities. Now he's a fucking father It made cry a little bit seeing him so happy I'm so proud of him, and proud of twenty one pilots for what they become ____ Even tho i kinda forget about this account i really wanted to express my happiness here.
@Graveyard-- Nu știu cine ești, nu ascult Twenty one pilots, dar mesajul acesta mă face și pe mine puțintel emțională. Mă bucur să știu că o persoană din lumea asta chiar a avut parte de o așa schimbare frumoasă. Sper că acum e ferit
Am uitat CA EXISTA CONTUL ASTA HELP Duuuuud mai e cineva aici? Si asta ma refer din generația aia smechera?
@JiaHeng- mie imi zici? tocmai ce m am reintos pe aplicata astia doar sa citesc chinese si thai BL novels.
@Graveyard-- mai trăim. Într-un fel. Frate, mi-e dor de toată lumea și când intru pe conturile persoanelor cu care vorbeam acum câțiva ani, puf! nu-i nici naiba.
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