
Does anyone know any good sources for writing action or self defense sequences? Idk how to do to either so I'm not sure how I can write it and how to translate what I'm seeing into writing


For any Star Wars experts, I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I'm making an OC that's related to Din Djarin and I'm trying to calculate his age from his birth to current evengs in the Mandalorian. So long story short at least for what I got for rn, my OC is named Kuna Berand. He changed his name after his planet got attacked since he didn't want to be associated with it since it's traumatic for him to remember. His actual name is Dash Djarin. So anyways. He flees from Aq Vetina to Wobani and lives there for the time being. I'm using Rogue One as a base set for my OC's timeline. So from the research I've done, Rogue One takes place 0 BBY. My OC was born 4 BBY. The attack on Aq Vetina (again, according to research I've done) takes place around 19-20 BBY. According to another source, Din was supposedly born at around 30 BBY since the events of the Mandalorian take place around 9 ABY, making him 39, 40 ish years old. And Return of the Jedi takes place 4 ABY as another point of reference.
          Where I'm struggling is the events between my OC's birth to just about Din's supposed birth. Cause my OC otherwise would've been 26 when Din was born, and around 6-7 when the attack happened but what doesn't make sense to me is that if Din was born 30 BBY and the attack takes place 19-20 BBY, he wouldn't have even been born yet and in those flashbacks, he looked about 9, 10 years old when that happened (maybe even a little younger too) so that's what kind of troubles me lol
          The math just aint mathing somewhere


Did anyone else see that Blues Clues 25th anniversary video from Steve? It's much needed closure I didn't know I needed until today
          Also idc what anyone says. Steve will always be the most iconic Blues Clues host
          I used to watch Blues Clues all the time when I was little so all of that hit differently now lmao. Also warning if you do decide to watch it: You will get emotional if you grew up watchimg the show