
Anyone else having trouble with listening to videos from the top of the page while reading, or is that just me?


To be honest, I miss the community. I miss writing and feeling the thrill of having people read your stories. I've had ideas for the sequel constantly in my head, and I think about the story every day. Should it be time that I finally put it into words?
          I'm worried that it won't be as good as you all who are still around would hope, if I do indeed write it soon.
          Whether I write the story soon or not, there is something I need to get of my chest and tell you about the "sequel".
          This is now a message for those who have read my story Minecraft Diaries Fanfiction A Shining Star:
          As you all know it has been years since I've written Minecraft Diaries A Shining Star. Since then, I've fallen out of the MCD fandom for many reasons for quite a while now. As a result of this, I think the "sequel" is no longer going to be called the sequel anymore. I want to detach it from MCD and make it my own story. Sophia is still goimg to be the main character, but as for her family and town, they will no longer hold the names that they did regarding MCD. You may still see Sophia's parents as Aphmau and Garroth if you wish, but I will be using different names for them or not giving names to them at all. Their backgrounds will mainly be the same (but it wouldn't really matter to this story too much). As for Malachi and Levin, they will be seen as one brother rather than two, and he will go by a different name as well. 
          I understand if you are all dissapointed in my decisions, but this feels like the best way to go for my sake.
          Thank you all for being so patient. I love and appreciate every one of you!


            Thank you! I'm still working on the story to this day. I'm glad that someone is still interested in what I'll be writing despite the fact that I haven't written on here in years


btw i have fallen out of the mcd fandom as well and i think it would be best if you do write the book with ocs bc a lot of people dont even ship garmau anymore


@Gravityfallsfan22 :D jsbxjsbcusbxis how did i not see this b4??


I feel like such a bother, but is the sequel coming out anytime soon? Or have you decided not to do it, because I've done that a lot. Sorry if I bothered you!


            One time we found a teenager ish squirrel in our garage. We tried everything to get it out. We eventually did though. It was so cute and it was quite friendly. It sat on my foot!


@katcanrule|| XD Little furry children.


            Then he would not like where I live. We have squirrels everywhere here.


I know I'm being kind of a pain, but do you think the sequel will come out anytime soon? I'm sorry if I'm bugging you, but I'm just really excited!!!


            Oh cool! For over a year now I've been really into Undertale.


@KatCanRule|| TOO MUCH TOMADACHI LIFE. (Its like a life simulator)


            Fun! What kind of games are you playing?


Hey, I just want to ask u something about the sequel!
          Is everyone who put in a OC gonna be in it or just a selected few?


@KatCanRule|| Its fine! I just wanted to know! Thanks for answering!


            Sorry for not responding sooner


            Everyone who gave me the proper description of their OC will be in my story.


Not to push you or anything, but I was wondering if you have an estimated date of when the sequel is coming out? Just in month wise.


@Garmauisthebestship|| Okay!!! Thanks for telling me! I'm just really looking forward to it!!!


            Oh no, you're not pushing me at all. I love how you guys want a sequel.
            You may not know this, but I've been planning this book for over 10 months now and I still don't have everything ready yet.
            Honestly, I thought I would be able to get this out during the Summer, but then I realized that there is so much more that needs to be done.
            Most of my friends are not creative and can't help me with feedback or ideas. Thankfully, my brother is willing to help me. 
            I have most of the story ready, I just need to find a way to tie it all together.
            Don't quote me on this, but perhaps a month or two.
            Hope this helps♥


Love the MCD shining star ff I recomend it to every single Gamau shipper out there that has not ship aarmau instead (yuuta-fox) anyway 11 out of 10 stars ( / ^ ▼ ^ ) /☆


            I'm so happy that you enjoyed my book, and recommend it to others!
            Your kind words mean a lot to me.
            Thank you so much! ♥