Hello everybody! I'm still alive and I'm not-. We'll...not dead...just lost some motivation that's all.
These past few months I have been really busy with school and next week will be my periodical exam so I have to study hard.
I may not be able to upload anything for the time being but once I got my inspiration back I promise you that I will start drafting again!
I actually have two parts of my Divine Beast series written out but not fully finished yet; same goes to my Pokemon series.
I will also take the time to edit and fix some parts in my stories that I may find cringe or well, not suited to my taste.
(This past few months made me realize how some parts of my stories needs a bit of tuning up and revising.)
Anyway! That's all I want to say and I will try and make some time to upload the best I can!
Take care of yourselves and have a good morning/night/evening!