
haha gay
          	oh wait that's me


you know you have a gud friend when they set their ringtone for your contact as Guns and Ships
          so you randomly call them in class to make it play because you like Guns and Ships


This is peak friendship 


You know what's crazy?
          Signing up for high school classes.
          Stress x100000000000000000000000
          That Polar Vortex isn't helping since I've missed like a week or two of school thanks to cancellations (we're going into the second week of June so guess who's skipping then) idfk how to sign up which is fun
          this sucks
          oh wait real announcement here:
          The Reincarnated has been put on hold/discontinuation until like March oof


This week on I’m the shittiest writer to date-
          Anyway, two chapters of The Reincarnated will be up tomorrow and it’s focusing on Altaïr! (It literally took me about two weeks to even make a good plot and even then it was crazy difficult and it’s still like really bad and full of plotholes.) aaaa I’m sorry it’s not going to follow the exact plotline of AC but I tried really hard to get it close to it... Pretty much what I’m saying is (now that I’ve played Odyssey and will incorporate more of that plot into the book’s plot) through Origins until AC 2 I haven’t played those games since I’m broke :,) so it’s not going to follow the plot exactly. So, to make up for that all the other games I’ll cover will be extra long (even though about ten pages of my notebook I’ve been using (tiny pages) are entirely full of these two chapters) so I hope that’ll make it up some-
          This book is like turning into a heaping pile of garbage sO IM SORRY ABOUT THAT


Keep your head up high mi Armco!