
this message may be offensive
-_- Really people.....? I just had a good day and you're pull this shit on me?! 
          	Don't show me your oc then delete it cause I don't do story mode! Ok?! If you do story mode in my rp books, that's fine. But don't come along and ask me to start a rp and then delete it. 
          	That is seriously pissing me off. 
          	I do story mode if it's a rule in a another rp book, not mine. So guess what?
          	Starting now. I will not be rping with anyone else since people want to ask me to start then delete the rp cause I'm not a story mode person. 
          	For now on: ASK! 


@Greedlerbot19 I have pictures of Cosmo and Timmy that I drone. do you want me to put them in my book ?


this message may be offensive
"hay how ya feeling, haven't heard from ya over two ligh years away. i hope you have all the time in the world to spend time with friends and family. i hope you have a good year then everyone who is a dick to you. but know this. the people who follow you are friends who want to cheer you up. but please do write back, cause i care about the shit that you were in. the harassment, the bullying. everything. but we got your back if you need it. but remeber this please. "your not alone in the dark.."