
Finally wrote something in like two years 


Let's have you play the character you hate most for ten hours and force you to attack the character you love most. Yeah. Greeeeaaaat storytelling. Soo artistic. I swear writing stories like these and then cowarding behind it being ”realistic writing” is why people have given up on storytelling. It's not good writing. Who told you that? Where did you get that from? 


The Last Of Us 2 is such a terrible game. The gameplay is great, the graphics are amazing, but the storytelling darkens any light that could have made the game decent. Good storytelling isn't spitting in your audience’s faces and then telling them to suck it up because life isn't fair. As a writer, you let them decide. This game rips everything you loved about the first one away from you and then holds you hostage and makes you set it all on fire. I'd give it a 2/10. Stop trying to justify it by saying ”have an open mind” ”it’s realistic” ”life isn't fair”. You do not make people wait that long for something so valued and then defile it like that. Ugh, I have never been more let down by a game in my life.