❛ pestilence ! i need your help , or advice for a second , ❜ love said, as she walked over to the horseman , seeming somewhat scared . she was feeling weaker - or at least her vessel was . she didn't understand it .
@GreenHorseman- ❧ love bit her lip , trying to think of how to describe it . " i feel weak . . whenever i use my abilities , my vessel gets weaker and i - i dont know what to do , " she responded , as she looked at him , sighing .
He paused at this question before looking away to think. "Well..." he said, "I believe it was a sort of distant respect, but also... jealousy at how much father would pay attention to you over the three of us."
+•/ I JUST realised, the face claim you have for your older version of pestilence is the actor who plays the trashcan man in the four part mini series they did for The Stand by Stephen King :oooo