Update 02.
Contains: Potential Release Date, Progress Update, and another announcement.
Potential Release Date
May 01 - June 01.
I may not reach this goal, but this is the planned release window.
Progress Update
I've made good progress on the planning of the story, I just finished fleshing out the first character and am pretty close to finishing 2 others. I have over 3000 words written for the information, and the first 30-ish chapters are planned.
Unfortunately I haven't actually started writing yet, but I've got how I want the chapter to play out ready to go. I just need to finish the characters and the last little bit of world building.
Other Announcements/Information.
Some of these are relating to the story, others are not.
I am currently re-learning how to draw, I plan on making a character sheet for each character in the future and sharing them on Twitter (@greenspino69)
As previously stated, The story won't all be released at once, it will be released in chapters, but the plan isn't for a chapter a week, I'm leaning more towards one a month, maybe two if y'all are lucky :)
That's about it! I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
(Consider subscribing to me on YouTube or following me on Twitter, TikTok, and twitch :D)