2024 update:
So, what's going on for this year. Well...
Follow the Fallen Stars: Since I finally finished the Greed if Arc (apologies for taking too long), it will be a while before going into the next arc since I want to have the few chapters for the next if world arc to be well not as long as Greed if though long in terms of how many words there are in the chapter themselves. So for now it'll be on break.
Kingdom Hearts x Re:Zero: So this arc, Arc 8, will be all original content with some interesting things. You'll see in the double chapter post that will be posted tomorrow. Hopefully you all like where I take the characters for this one.
Kingdom hearts x Bendy and the ink machine: 40 % done with the chapter coming out.
Two Worlds, One Shield: Now I am currently working on the next chapter but I'd like to say that my friend and I who worked on this had a bit of a falling out. Life stuff happened and well it sucks but i'm still going to give it my all to give you all the best story I can make out of this crossover story.
New Story: I mentioned a new story in the works. Since my colleague and i had parted ways, the other colleague and I are reworking it so it'll take a while before we can reveal what we are up to.
Other stuff: I've been dividing my attention up with writing and YouTube stuff (if you are curious, my channel is GreenWarrior291) as well as dealing with Graduate school now so things might be slower than when I first started (when all i had to worry about was just well regular university) but know I will keep working on all these stories and do my best to give the best chapters I can make.