
Dear Greenies,
          	I've been thinking how I wanted to get more involved with y'all and Wattpad. An idea struck me! Since I made a personal New Year's Resolution why not make one for Wattpad. A Wattpad Resolution!!! It kept bugging me for awhile that I messaged y'all about certain things but haven't really gotten to know y'all. I don't wanna be like other people who talks to their followers once and that's the end of it. I want to stay in contact with y'all as much as possible because all of y'all are interesting people in y'all's own way. I've taken it upon myself to make a reading list to y'all (my followers). I love y'all for supporting me throughout my treacherous journey. I know that it's frustrating to wait awhile for a new update, but I promise there will be a new update for my story soon! :D Also, I plan to take thirty minutes to an hour of my time everyday to read y'all's book until I finish them. All of you are amazing and talented writers, so I feel I need to show my appreciation of all of y'all's work and how grateful I am to be able to read them. I know that for some y'all think y'all's work is trash therefore it's hard for you to share it with the world, but I'm going to say that all those negative things aren't true. *shakes head* No matter what. Even the best-selling authors have room for improvement. REMEMBER THAT! 
          	Thanks. :) 
          	          Fallen Angel <3


Dear Greenies,
          I've been thinking how I wanted to get more involved with y'all and Wattpad. An idea struck me! Since I made a personal New Year's Resolution why not make one for Wattpad. A Wattpad Resolution!!! It kept bugging me for awhile that I messaged y'all about certain things but haven't really gotten to know y'all. I don't wanna be like other people who talks to their followers once and that's the end of it. I want to stay in contact with y'all as much as possible because all of y'all are interesting people in y'all's own way. I've taken it upon myself to make a reading list to y'all (my followers). I love y'all for supporting me throughout my treacherous journey. I know that it's frustrating to wait awhile for a new update, but I promise there will be a new update for my story soon! :D Also, I plan to take thirty minutes to an hour of my time everyday to read y'all's book until I finish them. All of you are amazing and talented writers, so I feel I need to show my appreciation of all of y'all's work and how grateful I am to be able to read them. I know that for some y'all think y'all's work is trash therefore it's hard for you to share it with the world, but I'm going to say that all those negative things aren't true. *shakes head* No matter what. Even the best-selling authors have room for improvement. REMEMBER THAT! 
          Thanks. :) 
                    Fallen Angel <3


Hi there! Thanks for adding  my book to your reading list. I just wanted to say that was the older version and I wrote it way back so grammar and plot aren't good. I'm posting the newer version this February :)


@Greene3 thanks so much ^~^


@Isaiahmathews  Awww thanks! I'll be sure to check it out ;)


@Greene3 hey there :) just wanted to say my story's better version is up :D


Dear Greenies,
          I honestly don't know when I'm going to update again. I'm thinking on improving my chapters I've already updated to my liking and that's what I'm most likely going to do. And polish up my life because it's affecting my writing side of my life. My life is a mess as of the moment and always has been. I'm sorry for all the false hopes and promises. I truly am. For now on, I will only let ya'll know when I've updated something not when I'm going to.
          ~Yours truly,
                        Fallen Angel


Dear Greenies,
          Book Status Update:
          I continued to write my draft of Chapter 5. I got halfway through it. I plan to finish it Thursday, which is today. I plan to revise and edit it Friday and Saturday. Then, I'll be officially done with Chapter 5. Yay!!!!! :D
          PS: If you want me to update Chapter 5 Saturday (June 13) or Sunday (June 14) PM me.


Dear Greenies,
          I think I have a name for my status updates for my book. I'm going to call them my "Book Status Update." What do ya'll think? Pretty clever, right? Haha. The acronym for this that I'm going to use is "BSU." I might or might not use this acronym, but just in case, some time, later on, I feel like using the acronym instead of typing the whole thing out ya'll  would know what it stands for. ^.^
          Book Status Update:
          I have officially started my draft for Chapter 5. I am starting with the detail for the setting. I am trying to create a vivid image as possible. What P.O.V is going to be in Chapter 5? What setting is it going to take place? You might ask. Well, to know that, you'll have to wait and see for yourself. Hehe.
          PS: I hope my messages on my progress doesn't annoy you because it really does help me stay on track and on task, so I make sure I have something to tell ya'll of my progress. Also, I might not do this everyday starting next week. I'll probably just do this every other day.


Dear Greenies,
          This is a message to ya'll about my progress.
          Status Update:
          I have answered all my questions ( 27 of them) that I asked myself about the Characters, Setting, and Plot for Chapters 5 & 6. I still have what needs major detailing in the previous chapters typed. 
          So, I have made progress and me giving ya'll status updates helps me a lot to stay on track with making progress on my chapter(s) for my book. 
          I bet ya'll are wondering, what am I going to work on today on my book? Well, I guess ya'll are going to have to wait until my next Book Status Update. Hehe. :P


Dear Greenies,
          I decided to post a message about my progress so far, so ya'll won't feel like I'm slacking off again like I did throughout the school year. I know I said throughout the school year many times I was going to update my book, but I never did. Which I'm deeply sorry for. :( I don't want to seem like I'm an untrustworthy person. I didn't think school would make me seem that way because it wouldn't allow me to update! I'm going to try to update ya'll on my progress everyday. I have been making progress since Sunday. 
          Status Update:
          Sunday: I have typed up questions that I'm asking myself about the Characters, Setting, and Plot for Chapters 5 & 6. Also, I typed up what needs detailing in the previous chapters that are major, as of now. There are other things that are minor that I most likely will describe in detail in my previous chapters, but right now that's NOT a priority. I'll get to that later when I work on Chapters 7 & 8...maybe, but most likely. So, that's what I did yesterday. I'll let ya'll know tomorrow what progress I've made today.
          PS: I'm working steadily everyday and a little at a time. I do make progress I assure. It may seem I didn't make much, but I assure as much progress as I've made yesterday is on track to where I finish Chapter 5 by Saturday or Sunday depending if I need an extra day to revise and edit mistakes or improve something. Although, I will finish Chapter 5 this weekend I won't update it this weekend. I will next weekend (Saturday June 20, 2015) along with Chapter 6. 
          Unless, a lot of my wonderful Greenies' request that I update it this weekend.