Hej! Jeg er Eva Kohler! Jeg repræsenterer det land, Grønland! Jeg har en ældre bror, hans navn er Matthias! Han er Danmark, men jeg har faktisk fire flere brødre i alt.

(Hi! I am Eva Kohler! I represent the country of Greenland! I have an older brother, his name is Matthias! He is Denmark, but I actually have four more brothers in total.)

My big Bror Lukas: @NorwegianPrince
My Big Bror Den: ---
Bror Fin: ---
Bror Swede : ---
Icy: ---


"You shiver in the freezing grounds of Nanortalik, Greenland. You're absolutely lost and have no where to go. You just came from the airport and it's quite hard to understand people who don't even speak a bit of english, but speak in only native tongue.

Suddenly, you're greeted by a girl with bright blue eyes and brown pigtails. She's bundled up in a heavy sky blue coat and she gives you a gingerly greeting. "Hej! Welcome to my Country! I'm Greenland, but you can call me Eva! Would you like help?"

You nod happily and she takes you're hand, leading you off. She promises to take you to her cottage, and you introduce yourself.

What an interesting girl.


Little facts to know about me!
1. I actually really love Suaasat, it's my favourite dish!
2. I love music from Su Rui, she's very popular in my nation!
3. My favourite colours besides blue is red and white~ (Get it? My flag, tee hee~)
4. I'm more close with Den, Norge, and Ice.
5. My land was known for having quite the amount of Vikings, also Inuit People!

Det har været sjovt !! Se dig igen snart! Kom tilbage til Grønland, når du har lyst!
(It's been fun!! See you again soon! Come back to Greenland whenever you like! )
  • With my brothers~
  • JoinedOctober 24, 2016