
Thanks so much for the follow. I really hope you enjoy reading Malfunction. Be sure to leave me your thoughts on how I can improve it. 
            I have to say I cracked up at your bio. I gave up on YA a long time a go.


@GregMilhone6 Thank you!
              Thanks for the advice. I am new to the romance and I'm really not into that either. I'm just trying to figure out how it all works. :) It's good to know when its too much. I have a goal I am working towards for their relationship and it had to be a kinda "fast and furious" method so I can totally see if I went overboard. :)
                I am actually working on a much bigger project right now: A fantasy trilogy. I have the first book finished and waiting for the first rewrites. It's quite a different flavor for that one. No romance for one...and a lot more blood and horror aspects. I am excited to get it cleaned up.


@JillanePurrazzi  you are welcome :) I've been reading Malfunction and have been enjoying it. You definitely have some skills. As far as improving it idk if you want to listen to my advice lol I'm not one for all that kissy mushy stuff lol. I think when a relationship has been established it doesn't have to continue to be delved in. But that could just be the guy in me and you shouldn't listen to a word I say lol. What ideas are you floating around for your next book?