Whats up Zig Zach! Good to hear from you. Yeah I'm sorry about the whole thing, didn't mean to scare you guys. Please apologize to your sister and parents. scared me because I thought she knew...remember the military bag I sometimes brought to class? On it there is a velcro of Reynolds and one of MindtreeX. I also show some of my videos in class and I just thought it was known. Anyway I got freak out too, I just have your sister on my Watt Pad account because she was the reason I opened one to begin with. Think I changed my info when I decided to post a few short stories and what not. Anyway...How are you doing? Do you like you new location? Glad you reached out now I can read you story and stuff...
@MindTreeX Sir, I'm great. I love James Irwin, and I'm learning a ton. Science class still isn't as fun without you though. Lol