Hey ah.. Everyone. I'm really sorry. I don't.. Think I am an author anymore. I've continued to go down the content creator path and have been on tiktok and Instagram for a while now. Strange to think I had started my wattpad journey in 2016. If you want to keep up with what I am doing, you can check either one of my pages from either social media's. Grey.The.Hyena is what I go by on both tiktok and Instagram. I'm still me, but.. The author part.. The story writer.. I think it may be time I bury it. Sink the stone. Mark the grave and move on. Maybe later on in life, I'll dig it back up and resurrect my once biggest passion. But.. For now. Goodnight..

@Grey_The_Hyena your book, A Camp To Remember, I have reread multiple times and each time I love it a lot, I'd you do come back into book writing. Please do keep the book up. You have really good talent