For those of you who follow my Danganronpa story (Entertaining a Small Thought), I have a question for you all. Brief status update for the story first: I am currently writing the final trial, and while I have the next chapter written, I am going to wait until I finish the entire trial so I can make sure the case is fully up to snuff.
While I am doing that, I have also decided to finally start rewriting the prologue section of EaST (exciting stuff). So far it looks like there will be fewer overall chapters, but they'll be just as long as my usual chapters typically tend to be nowadays (so around 10k words). I also might rewrite/add to the free time events of the story since those are mostly copy/paste of the in game free time events for most characters and I'm more confident that I can do more original stuff. I might also make entirely new FEs to help fill out chapters, or maybe I'll use some cut ideas I had that I didn't use, like a pool/swimsuit chapter (because why not? It's obligatory.). I'm not sure yet.
I will be focusing more on the final trial more than the prologue rewrite, though I might flip flop depending on either motivation/circumstances. So while I have these chapter rewrites in my head, I want to ask you, my audience, what you would like to see in a rewrite of the prologue and maybe free time events. Any interactions you want to see? Any ideas for things you would like to see in the prologue? I'm open to suggestions and ideas.