This is for chap.9 of the demon slayer fic. I can’t post this comment there for some reason:
I’m not the best at rating things. It’s subjective. I mean, at a certain level of writing, if it’s bad enough, then even I can point to what specifically needs improving and can give reasoning, but above a certain level of writing, I can only *feel* the quality of the writing, which is inherently subjective.
As a standalone chapter, it’s perfectly passable, and serves its purpose.
It flowed well, in terms of the act of reading. It never felt overly wordy or boring, nor was it basic, and I didn’t feel my immersion break. The quality has stayed relatively consistent between chapters. So in these aspects, I rate it like a 8/10? Don’t take what I say in this regard too seriously, I’m not qualified to rate this sort of thing. However, I do have something to say.
What’s more important is how I would rate it in the context of the rest of the story so far and what this chapter could mean for future chapters of the story. I think it introduced/developed an interesting plot point/line in this story.
This whole semi-demon thing is a point of particular importance for this fic. It’s extremely relevant to the MC as a character, has potential implications for relationships in the story and characterization. It is set up to be what connects Ayanokoji to the actual overarching plot of this fic in regards to canon. And the way it is depicted so far, it should have actual ramifications for the plot of demon slayer.
So props for that. So as long as you properly explore and flesh out this plot point and develop the story alongside it, then this chapter (and the context of a couple of the previous chapters) will be rated highly in my books. Just make sure not to introduce plot points only to never flesh them out.