
So I've been MIA for a while, and honestly I do apologize due to the fact multiple people have been messaging me asking for reviews. Alas, I cannot do them as of this moment due to the fact I am very busy. I currently am a sophomore in high school taking an AP class (college level), among many other boring classes intended for Juniors that are really hard if you ask me like Trig and Chemistry. As well as that I am also on my school's students council and Model UN team while as being on the track team. 
          	Hopefully on thanksgiving break I will go publish a chapter and get to some of my messages but, for now I bid you farewell and hope you have an amazing day today. 


So I've been MIA for a while, and honestly I do apologize due to the fact multiple people have been messaging me asking for reviews. Alas, I cannot do them as of this moment due to the fact I am very busy. I currently am a sophomore in high school taking an AP class (college level), among many other boring classes intended for Juniors that are really hard if you ask me like Trig and Chemistry. As well as that I am also on my school's students council and Model UN team while as being on the track team. 
          Hopefully on thanksgiving break I will go publish a chapter and get to some of my messages but, for now I bid you farewell and hope you have an amazing day today. 


Happy Birthday....(i'm not a stalker xD i saw it was your bday on the wattpad cafe) xD


@Grim__   Lol xD  your welcome! (:


@Grim__   Lol xD  Thanks! (:


@thinkerkashish No it's cool lol thank you.