
Hey, Honey Buns, I think I'm going to put most of my writings on hold. I just don't really have a reason to write right now. Every chapter of every book I have I hate them. It just isn't flowing right. Plus, I don't get feedback so I don't know if you guys like it or not. Writing isn't the easiest thing, and it is really easy to get discouraged. Until I gain the will to write again you guys won't get updates. I might get on and talk to you guys about stuff that you probably don't care about. I will finish these stories eventually. Wish you guys the best.... Talk to you later, Honey Buns.


Hey, Honey Buns, I think I'm going to put most of my writings on hold. I just don't really have a reason to write right now. Every chapter of every book I have I hate them. It just isn't flowing right. Plus, I don't get feedback so I don't know if you guys like it or not. Writing isn't the easiest thing, and it is really easy to get discouraged. Until I gain the will to write again you guys won't get updates. I might get on and talk to you guys about stuff that you probably don't care about. I will finish these stories eventually. Wish you guys the best.... Talk to you later, Honey Buns.