
Alright so I'mma just say it straight... I'm just gonna discontinue writing Everyday Without You because I literally have no motivation to write it and I'm starting to begin to move away from the countryhuman fandom so like why continue to write something that I don't really enjoy. I'll keep the stories up for other people to read but there will be no new updates. Thank you so much to everyone who has read and enjoyed my stories you guys are amazing! So yeah that all I really had to say. Happy Independence Day for my fellow Americans (I know that was yesterday but I wrote this yesterday and forgot to post it) Have a nice day! <3


@Grinnycat11 I have a request to you..please can I continue the story instead? America was so so relatable to my life from the very beginning of the fic that I continuously felt called felt our lives are connected with the same sorta events occurring in both of our lives...I will rewrite it in in a way it's deserved and best for all but for that I would need your little help


I understand <3


Alright so I'mma just say it straight... I'm just gonna discontinue writing Everyday Without You because I literally have no motivation to write it and I'm starting to begin to move away from the countryhuman fandom so like why continue to write something that I don't really enjoy. I'll keep the stories up for other people to read but there will be no new updates. Thank you so much to everyone who has read and enjoyed my stories you guys are amazing! So yeah that all I really had to say. Happy Independence Day for my fellow Americans (I know that was yesterday but I wrote this yesterday and forgot to post it) Have a nice day! <3


@Grinnycat11 I have a request to you..please can I continue the story instead? America was so so relatable to my life from the very beginning of the fic that I continuously felt called felt our lives are connected with the same sorta events occurring in both of our lives...I will rewrite it in in a way it's deserved and best for all but for that I would need your little help


I understand <3


So um... hi? I know I've been kind of inactive and my last story update was like 3 or 4 months ago and I deeply apologize for that. I've been really busy with school and a bunch of other stuff and I haven't been able to work on the stories but I promise that there will be some form of update by April at least. That's it, thanks for understanding have a nice night :)


OH MY GOD Y'ALL WHAT THE HECK! 20K ON A SHATTERED LIFE!? THANK YOU SO MUCH! I never expected this story to grow so much, I honestly posted it as kind of a joke but it started getting views so I kept working on it. I didn't think people would like it this much! Thank you guys so much for enjoying my story it means the world to me <3


@ Grinnycat11 your writing skills are amazing ! ♡


Okaaaaaay so this is something many of you have been waiting for... Chapter 1 of the sequel of A Shattered Life will be posted next Wednesday, I still have no idea what it's gonna be called or how many times it will be updated but I know ya'll have been waitin so I will give the first chapter next week! :)


@Grinnycat11 that story made me cry so bad. Just shows you how good it was


OwO 15K Already!? Even with A Shattered Life completed how is it still getting so much attention!? Thank you all for reading this story! 
          You can read this story made by my friend! Help it grow and give it some love UwU: