
          	You're welcome. 
          	I loved your story. 


@NocturnalScribe  Nooo i Don't like Taylor Lautner either , actually don't understand what's with people and vampires and werewolves? Have you noticed that a lot of stories are about vampires or werewolves? What's with that? 
          Twilight was translated in Albanian and guess what? nobody read it. Not even the teenagers. I was told that in America Twilight was a big success but here nobody read it they just saw the movies.
          Albania is not the best country to visit but i don't imagine my self  living in another country except here.  
          Albania was a communist country until 20 years ago. In 1990 there was a rebellion and the people freed themselves. After 60 years of communism (since 1940) finally we were free to build our democracy. But the population had lived for sixty years in a cage. They were obligated to go to the schools the party choose for them, they were obligated to do the jobs the party told them to do. They weren't aloud even to speak freely, if they insulted the communist leader they would go to prison or even in the death row. 
          People got  so fed up with this that now after 20 years in democracy they don't allow nobody to tell them what to do. They don't respect the constitution or the civil code, or the penal code. They just live by moral laws. They do what they believe is right to do and the opposite. I don't know if this is right or wrong but when i hear my grandfather speak about the communism times i believe that after all that suffering they must have the right to fell FREE.
          We have an ancient history since the times of Ilyrians, in Butrinty and Durrsi (country names) ther are same old ruins like 1500 thousand old. They are preferred by the tourists.
          I'm so sorry I just love Albania too much and i may go on for hours speaking about it.
          My name is pronounced Gree -ow- lah.
          All the best.


@Griola No problem. It's my psychotic vocation to strangle newcomers on Wattpad. Haha!
          Wolves, eh? So you're more of a Taylor Lautner girl?
          What's Albania like? Man, I'd love to be able to tour the world some day.
          I'd love to drop by your country. =)
          Practice makes perfect (and here's where the cynical people respond: "No one's perfect, so why practice?")
          Lol, anyway... Just go ahead and practice your English.
          Before you know it, you'll be awesome at it. =)
          How do you pronounce your name, by the way? 
          Gree-yow-lah? Is that it? I think it's a pretty name.
          Thanks for being a fan, by the way!
          Totally appreciate it. =)


@NocturnalScribe Thank you very much for the warm welcome. 
          "Oof!...can't...breathe..."  :-P
          Thanks god someone understands me. I'm being thrown to the wolfs just because i think he is not that awesome. 
          I love this site a lot, there are same beautiful worth reading stories here and I can't wait for the writers to upload. I am also improving my English by reading these beautiful stories. 
          All the best 


Are you kidding me???
          Robert Pattinson is the bomb!
          It's just awesome how his lips are smothered with lipstick and his body sparkles under the sunlight.
          And I love how he mumbles his words and makes constipated facial expressions.
          Rob as Edward is the epitome of gay-ishness.
          Just kidding! Hee!
          So, anyway, being serious....
          Welcome to Wattpad!!!!
          Let me just scoot on over to give you the official Wattpad bear-hug!
          (here's the part where you say, "Oof! ...can't.....breathe.....")
          I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do. =)