
sup, kiddo? 
          so, i read your story and i love the idea of it! but like, dude, (here comes the horrible thing known as criticism), things aren't exactly that clear. 
          Like, i got so confused whether Alex was a boy or a girl after reading the first chapter. You made him sound so much like a girl (getting flustered after Ethan asked him abt their vids? bruh??? why???) 
          Then, there's the fact that you're breezing by everything and it's making things confusing. I know it's not important to show every single detail, but like there are things you should be mentioning. For example, when Alex meets Grayson and Ethan. Not much emotion shown? There should be more of Alex's perspective shown rather than the other characters. 
          Anyways, I guess that's it for now, but take this seriously as it'll help. 
          Plus, ik your story isn't gay romance, but it seems that way??? If thats not wht you're going for, then you gotta write it so it doesn't sound like that. 
          okay, that's about it for today. 
          can't wait for the next update tho =D
          -tavishi ;)


@Kitty_19 "slightly flustered"
            thanks for the feedback tho. Helps. the other feedback I got was that it was too slow and I need to make things more interesting. But point taken.oh yeah, the next updates tom.