
I really love your story. I hope you continue to write because your idea is just amazing! And I love your writing style and i dont know what word can describe how much i love your work. (ehehe) \(♡///♡)/
          And yeah, I hope you're doing well in your study or whatever you might doing right now~☆ 


Can i copy your story and published your story in indonesia????


@shinta112230 hey, i'd rather not; i'd like to keep my story on wattpad, so I've got all of the autor rights. Hope you understand!


Hello there I just finished reading your story on bulma and Vegeta and I have to say I loved it!! I do hope you continue the story and finish it someday! :) 


@Karla_M_ yes I get you and it's always understandable you have a life too!! and its always better to take your time and write something that you are happy with rather than something rushed especially when it's your story you know that's how I feel when I write my poetry :) 


@Karla_M_  I am still writing on it, but there are so many things that i'm also doing in my free time that it's hard to combine it with writing, especially since i'm a perfectionist and i don't want to write a crappy new chapter ;) So i still have to finish the next one, but with you kind words, i do feel more motivated to write some more than when people just say "Update". Thank you  :)


Hii!!!! You said in one of the comments on your DBZ fic that your birthday was coming up soon (I'm not a creepy stalker, I promise, my mind just remembers random things like that.) so I just wanted to say Happy Birthday!!! Golly I really hope I'm not mistaken,  that would make this quite awkward..... But I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Whenever it is.


Hahaha awhh thanks! it's friday ;)! So you remembered it right! :3 hahaha