I would like to let you know just how much I enjoy your books. I really don't like to read "cheating" books, but somehow, with you, they always work. I appreciate all of the work and time you put into your books. You make everything so real and heartfelt. I'm curious if you are planning to continue with Challen and Addy? I know there have been a lot of crazy comments, even some really not nice things said. I truly hope you don't let a few people keep you from sharing your writing, although I can understand how much it must suck to have something you worked so hard for being unfairly criticized. I know everyone is allowed their opinions, but some people can go overboard, I think. I just wanted you to know that not everyone (not even the majority) feels like that. That for most, you truly have a gift, and it is very much appreciated. Thank you for all of your work and for giving me some great stories that stick with me.

@kenniesmom Hi! All my stories will be finished. Challen and Addy will get a chapter this weekend. There are just a couple of others I'm pushing harder on right now. Thank you for your kind words. They mean a great deal to me.