
Books are now being published! I promise that I will update as frequently as I can.
          	Requests are still open and will be closed within three months, make sure you get your chance!


Books are on progress rn!
          It took me long enough to update Wattpad because now that my exams are nearing, I could barely find time to get my hands on writing again.
          But now that I do, I will try my best to update as frequent as I can. I know Im coming up with excuses but I promise I will make it up to you all.
          Love you!


          There was an issue that dragged on for almost a month now which made me to face difficulties to publish my books and to even delete them. I had to restart them OVER and OVER again and lets say, I had to restart my entire device and to even un-install and re-install the app.
          It wasn't a plesantful experince and now, I can publish my books, but the thing is, I have to restart my work all over again. And I had a sudden change of heart on both my accounts.
          On this account, I will be publishing anime related stories whereas game related stories will be released on my other account. Request book had been released a few days ago. 
          Acc name: @Axhesxi


Hi! I may upload rarely on Mother's love and My flower because I need to get the story all planned and also, the timeline in both the stories may contain spoilers of the actual quest in the game and if you all lovelies don't care then I don't mind at all. 
          And there might be warning of cringe and my writing isn't advanced like other people.
          Great writing to you all writers.
          Have a great day! Love you!