
Advance Merry Christmas everyone!!!
          	It has been a year since I retrieved my account in Wattpad. I'm super happy with the friends I gained this year!! Mundane Life's hiatus will end soon, I don't exactly know when but I will update as soon as I can!!


That’s great! Those are happy, jolly news that will be appreciated as Christmas gifts! Merry Christmas to all, I hope you have a wonderful week!


@GruviaFanatic Oh....... welp yay☺


Merry Christmas!! Thank you for your beautiful work


this message may be offensive
@GruviaFanatic I just want to say that mundane life is one of my favorite damirae books and I would like to thank u. Even though the book is not finished I wanna thank you for making this book, because all the events that happened in the book shows you that you will have to go through some serious shit that you don't want to, but you have to because that's what we call "LIFE", so I just wanna thank you because thanks to you and your creativity and the humor and all the topics of this book it made it one of my most favorite books. So again Thank u. And don't stop doing what your doing you have a talent with words.


@Vee14Wayne I just have to say, I really do have the best readers. You guys are one of the reasons why I continue writing. Thank you for giving me the honor to be part of your lives through my book. I might not know you in real life, and we might not see each other too... but your love transcends. I will keep the book going despite the hurdles I am facing right now, and I cant thank all of you enough for still being here! <3


Advance Merry Christmas everyone!!!
          It has been a year since I retrieved my account in Wattpad. I'm super happy with the friends I gained this year!! Mundane Life's hiatus will end soon, I don't exactly know when but I will update as soon as I can!!


That’s great! Those are happy, jolly news that will be appreciated as Christmas gifts! Merry Christmas to all, I hope you have a wonderful week!


@GruviaFanatic Oh....... welp yay☺


Merry Christmas!! Thank you for your beautiful work


It's my exam week, I am so sorry but the updates will be held back. I can't write with such a busy schedule. 
          I'll try to update soon if I can!


@GruviaFanatic We understand, good luck❤❤


Its okay, good luck on ur exams


Take your time! Good luck! 


Oh dear, I just saw the rant and I just wanna say that I agree with @Willowsinfire59. Those changes are recent and I don’t think it fair on yourself to try and change your story up because of them. Especially when we as readers, personally me, have already fallen in love with all the couples in the story. You already have characters representing the community and you haven’t neglected them at all. If you feel however, that you wish to do more for the community, personally, again this is my opinion, I feel you should work with those characters that you already have instead of changing the whole thing up.


Anytime!! You already make my day better with your writing it’s the least I could do!!


            I feel like crying, honestly, I am still stressed about the whole thing and you just gave me the path I so needed. I have mentioned this before, but I really have my story pre-planned, I know where it is going, and the whole change in Tim and Jon's sexuality caused a lot of holes in the plot where I want it to go. I like that DC is being open to the community but the change was so recent and it happened in the middle of my book where it's hard to include such a big change without proper build-up (a build-up where I can't slip into my story without looking out of place). 
            Thank you so much for helping me find a solution. I know what to do now, thank you. I really really appreciate it!


Quick Rant: 
          I love and respect the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t shy away from characters whose sexuality is not enclosed within Male and female. If you are a reader of mine, then you would know that I have characters from the rainbow community and I am not afraid to flaunt and showcase them in any way. 
          But now the issue is this; my story is suffering. I respect every gender and I stick to the gender of my characters to what was originally given to them by DC. 
          Just how Cullen Row is gay and I express this in the book thoroughly, the same with Harper Row and Kate Kane who are also gay, John Constantine who is Bisexual or Pansexual, Madame Xanadu who is Bisexual, and many more. 
          I don’t change these characters' sexuality because they are amazing the way they are, and it goes the same with my characters who are originally straight (or so I thought). 
          A couple of months back Tim Drake was announced as Bisexual after breaking up with Stephanie Brown. Now originally in my story, Tim is straight but after the announcement, I had trouble touching Tim Drake’s story now that I feel like I am betraying his sexuality by writing about him and Stephanie. 
          Now, I learned that Jon Kent is bisexual, I’m having a crisis whether I continue writing him because I wrote him as straight (because I thought he was straight) and he is currently with Donna Troy. I feel like I’m betraying a character’s sexuality based on DC because I am writing him differently, and I don’t want it to seem like I’m discriminating against his sexuality by continuously letting him be with Donna. 
          This is really a huge problem for me because it's stressing me out… and I’m stumped.


@Willowsinfire59 Awww thank you so much for that reply. I really appreciate it, it helped me think about what I can do. thank you, thank you, thank you! you make a solid point... I don't know what else to say but thank you


@GruviaFanatic So just continue your story. Anyone who has read this far that has a braincell can tell you are not homophobic. DC changes things with characters constantly. It's unrealistic to keep up with those changes in fanfiction. I fact fanfiction exists because main canon is exhausting and most of the time the stories they tell kinda suck  so keep going, I promise you are fine. If you still feel bad, it could be something your characters discover about themselves in later chapters


@GruviaFanatic You haven't betrayed anything. These characters are both listed as bisexual by DC very, very recently. You had no idea when you wrote this that would happen. But in any case they both like women and men. Just because you have them with women, that doesn't mean they aren't bisexual. In fact, I have a number of bisexual friends who have complained about discrimination when they date the opposite sex as if they aren't real LGBTQ+
            If anything you are reflecting the real world of how bisexuality works. I don't think you ever explicitly said they were straight, just that they were dating or interested in a woman