
Good day to all! Sorry I've disappeared recently, I just hit some writer's block as well as getting really busy finishing up with school and graduating and all that fun stuff.  Hopefully now that it's summer I can get to writing around my work schedule!  I hope you guys can continue to join me on my writing journey, and if you want to see me write anything in particular or want to see more of a certain story, please do not hesitate to ask me!  I am more than happy to fulfill your requests as best I can!  Thank you all and God bless!


Good day to all! Sorry I've disappeared recently, I just hit some writer's block as well as getting really busy finishing up with school and graduating and all that fun stuff.  Hopefully now that it's summer I can get to writing around my work schedule!  I hope you guys can continue to join me on my writing journey, and if you want to see me write anything in particular or want to see more of a certain story, please do not hesitate to ask me!  I am more than happy to fulfill your requests as best I can!  Thank you all and God bless!


Good day to all.  I hope this message finds you all in good health.  There will for sure be more updates coming soon, but let me know if you want to see me write something or add something to my stories!  Also, lately I've been getting lots of new followers.  I don't know what brought this about, but thank you all for the support!!!  Enjoy your day and always have fun!


Holy cow!  30 followers!  That's an accomplishment for me!  I promise I've got chapters in the works for not only my currently running stories, but I've got some new ones to throw into the mix.  Here's to a glorious future of more updates!!  Here's hoping I'll remember at least!  Gihee
          Thanks for the support,