I am proud to be a Christian. A  True Christian who is single and is not ready to do anything yet until God has the plan for it. It's been a rough bumpy road through these three years know and I guess writing my book is helping because it is one of the was i love to show my faith to other is by writing, singing or even drawing. I love to give people positive thoughts instead of the negative one that everyone else gives them. But right know I'm reading a great book right know and to me it gives a great way to show people how God puts people in their lives for a reason even if they fall in love.  

I am here for anyone if they need to talk and share whats going on and won't mind helping with anything just want to share Gods word with y'all.

Favorite music; Christian and Country
Hobbies; drawing, singing, and writing

(One of My) Favorite verse : "As Iron Sharpens Iron, So a Friend Sharpens and Friend." Proverbs 27:17

97% of you won't post this:
|| When Jesus died on the cross, He was thinking of you.
If you're the 3% that really does care, post this on your wall.||

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.*
John 14:6
  • انضمMay 22, 2017

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