
What type of weapon would yall like to see Ares use in GGO? His primary would obviously be the photon sword, but what about his secondary? I’m just asking to see what you would like.


@Guardian_Angel-21 an semi-automatic shot gun that he uses with one hand like a badass


@Guardian_Angel-21 A Semi-Auto Shotgun would be dope. You know like the AA12 or M1014.


Hey @Guardian _Angel-21 do I have an idea for you…given Ares’ taste for poetry how about after the phantom bullet arc and before the Excalibur arc, Ares and the gang go on a quest to fight the Norse God of Poetry and Music, Bragi. And when they encounter him Ares decides to get into character and play along with Bragi as if they were in a William Shakespeare play, just for fun like in this video and of course the gang would get confused, making awkward sweat drop faces but Asuna would explain to them that Ares once said that he didn’t mind role-playing in an RPG game for fun (which he explained back in Aincrad) and that she is even glad to see that her boyfriend is starting to open up a little, given his cold personality from the past.
          What do you think? Pretty good right?


It’s a great idea, I might tweak it a bit but that’s nonetheless 


What type of weapon would yall like to see Ares use in GGO? His primary would obviously be the photon sword, but what about his secondary? I’m just asking to see what you would like.


@Guardian_Angel-21 an semi-automatic shot gun that he uses with one hand like a badass


@Guardian_Angel-21 A Semi-Auto Shotgun would be dope. You know like the AA12 or M1014.


Long time no see. Sorry about that. I’ve just been caught up with life, but who hasn’t? Anyways, I decided to finish writing the Untold Tales of Aincrad and reuploaded the first two chapters and upload a new chapter which is 5,000 words long. Hope you enjoy and leave a comment back here if liked it.


@Guardian_Angel-21 welcome back I hope you are doing alright


Welcome back! 


Hey man I saw your tales of aincrad segment is gone I have an idea why don't you turn it into a brain dump relief center for your ideas so you don't get burnt on the story meaning you can make it a large side story fun piece, say you wanted to cover Kirito and his adventures with sachi I think that's her name, or can cover klein going after a copy cat player that looks exactly like him but he's called b@llsDeep69 and it's a goofy adventure, what ever you want. You can even have goblinslayer go through a more humorous adventure of improperly using a rapier and the idea of asuna scolding him causes him to never pick one up again unless it's red eye glowing time


@DanteDarkgamer it's perfectly fine your mental well being is far more important, you always put so much thought into your stories and while I appreciate everything you do, be well and safe is more important take all the time you need, and if you want I can help you brain storm to ease the stress, you don't deserve that strain 


That was the original intention for Untold Tales of Aincrad, that it would be a segment for me to have fun and mess around, but it eventually became stressful and I started to get burnt out. I have a list of about 14 chapters, each one new and legitimately exciting stories I wish I had covered in Aincrad, but like always, I put too much pressure on myself. And as much as I love what I have prepared, I can’t help but also want to start working on Phantom Bullet. I’m just taking a break from everything right now, and trying my best to avoid coming up with new ideas because eventually I won’t ever do them. Thank you however for noticing and reaching out. I just have a lot on my plate right now.


I am glad to announce that Sword Art Online: Broken has officially reached 100K reads today! I was hoping to have a little bit more time to complete a chapter on time, but I wasn't expecting it to reach it so soon. It's not done yet but that's because I'm mixing a bit of accurate lore with my originality, which isn't easy to do ever. 
          Thanks a million for reading it and giving your feedback. It's the only story I can say I'm 100% proud of. I'll post soon, I promise. Until next time!


Congratulations @Guardian_Angel-21 you deserve it. Your work is magnificent 


@Guardian_Angel-21 congratulations! A great mile stone to achieve!


Hey I had an idea come to mind it involves your sao story, I was thinking that Asuna should have Ares inspired pieces to her phantom bullet outfit to show how much of an impact Ares has had on her, and the same can be done for Ares. I'm not sure if this is even a good idea, but I thought why not let me know what you think whenever you can.


@Guardian_Angel-21 oh i see that sounds extremely interesting I can't wait to find out 


It’s a good idea. But there’s a twist I have planned for Phantom bullet that would go against this idea. Thanks for the suggestion either way.