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I don’t have a major following on this app but it’s still important to say something in these times. It is absolutely disgusting that it has taken another death from police brutality for people to take a stand and attend protests against the absolute bullshit that is white privilege. As someone who is white, I cannot stand by and watch as more black men, women, and children are killed for simply existing. Many of my family members are people of color and I am close with many of them. I see how the live in fear when they go places. I see how they are given less chances than that of their white counterparts. I cannot stand to see anyone else die because people feel like it isn’t their place to say something.
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Something else has been bothering me during the last few days when I watch the news and read articles. The protests are not the problem here, the looting on the other hand, is a major problem. Those of you who are looting during these protests are not at all helping the BLM movement, you’re taking them steps back. Looting is just being selfish and taking something for yourself while police focus on something else. Step the fuck up and realize that this is not about you. It is about the abuse and suffering that people of color have faced for far too long. So please, donate, protest, speak to people, acknowledge the problems. Because we all need to realize that we are privileged as white people. We need to acknowledge the problem with our society and how we handle things. Please, stand up to people who think they know better or think they know what’s happening. Changes are, they caused this shit in the first place.
Black lives matter is such an important phrase and I feel like it needs more explaining because some people still don’t understand it. BLM doesn’t at all mean that all lives don’t matter, it means the opposite. All lives matter, that is a given, but no life matters until those who are oppressed matter. Say you’re at a restaurant and you and all your friends are eating, but, a nearby elderly man has been there for 2 hours and his meal is still not there. The waiter comes by and asks if you and your guests would like dessert. Still ignoring the elderly, you accept the dessert. You can either accept the dessert, or you can let the elderly man get his food before you indulge in something so minuscule. That’s what the phrase means. We can’t all be equal, until we acknowledge the source of equality.