
Having watched the whole fourth season of RHMIS makes me question if the s4 director and writers even watched any episodes of the previous seasons or instead just read the character descriptions edited in s3. 
          	Cus we get useless lore points in s4 that makes NO sense compared to what we know of Merlin in s1. Katel is definitely a favorite of the director cus all the lore is given to her instead of any of the MAIN main characters we had for three whole ass seasons who they hinted backstory points at over the previous seasons (Prince John cough cough) Plus, Katel is too OP. I'm not exaggerating. My dislike towards her character has no connection to any kind of racism. I don't care about race.
          	The gang is all here!
          	S4's gang: Robin and Marian with zero romance moments. (I'm not joking. There is no blushing, pet names, or sweet touches throughout the entire season, unlike the previous ones)
          	Scarlett was present... at one point. 
          	Funny moments? What's humor anyway?
          	'Prince John being a threat?' What are you talking about?
          	I swear the writers included a hidden petplay/humiliation kink in the way they made two children act like dogs with tongues out and licking people TWICE. If they say it is meant to be funny, then they gotta take a comedy course. 
          	Marian's magic mishaps? Who needs that? It's clearly character development in a standalone show with no storyline or grand finale where years actually pass. They've been 10 for 4 whole seasons. No other character evolved in skill or character other than Marian and Prince John.
          	An antagonist being realistic jealous of Marian? She MUST be ugly. 
          	Flaws? Who needs those? Definitely not Robin, just like in s3.
          	The hidden passageway in the prison leading to a secret dungeon the Lionheart brothers discovered (the king and the hen s2) is now a random sliding wall you have to crawl inside. I think they even made another version of that entrance as well. 


@GuessIllDie_69 i agree with all of this. I was really hoping for Scarlett content or Robarian content. Prince John and Marian have really just become overly plain and boring. The very few flaws that Robin had in the beginning really makes him boring, he's my favorite but it's really getting hard to like any of the characters much


The way they gave me hope for more Robarian moments in s4 because of s3, only to have zero romance in s4!? Marian even kissed Stig TWICE in front of Robin now, and he even laughed about it!? Also I'm convinced that the writers forget about Scarlet and Little John atp


Having watched the whole fourth season of RHMIS makes me question if the s4 director and writers even watched any episodes of the previous seasons or instead just read the character descriptions edited in s3. 
          Cus we get useless lore points in s4 that makes NO sense compared to what we know of Merlin in s1. Katel is definitely a favorite of the director cus all the lore is given to her instead of any of the MAIN main characters we had for three whole ass seasons who they hinted backstory points at over the previous seasons (Prince John cough cough) Plus, Katel is too OP. I'm not exaggerating. My dislike towards her character has no connection to any kind of racism. I don't care about race.
          The gang is all here!
          S4's gang: Robin and Marian with zero romance moments. (I'm not joking. There is no blushing, pet names, or sweet touches throughout the entire season, unlike the previous ones)
          Scarlett was present... at one point. 
          Funny moments? What's humor anyway?
          'Prince John being a threat?' What are you talking about?
          I swear the writers included a hidden petplay/humiliation kink in the way they made two children act like dogs with tongues out and licking people TWICE. If they say it is meant to be funny, then they gotta take a comedy course. 
          Marian's magic mishaps? Who needs that? It's clearly character development in a standalone show with no storyline or grand finale where years actually pass. They've been 10 for 4 whole seasons. No other character evolved in skill or character other than Marian and Prince John.
          An antagonist being realistic jealous of Marian? She MUST be ugly. 
          Flaws? Who needs those? Definitely not Robin, just like in s3.
          The hidden passageway in the prison leading to a secret dungeon the Lionheart brothers discovered (the king and the hen s2) is now a random sliding wall you have to crawl inside. I think they even made another version of that entrance as well. 


@GuessIllDie_69 i agree with all of this. I was really hoping for Scarlett content or Robarian content. Prince John and Marian have really just become overly plain and boring. The very few flaws that Robin had in the beginning really makes him boring, he's my favorite but it's really getting hard to like any of the characters much


The way they gave me hope for more Robarian moments in s4 because of s3, only to have zero romance in s4!? Marian even kissed Stig TWICE in front of Robin now, and he even laughed about it!? Also I'm convinced that the writers forget about Scarlet and Little John atp


After realizing I can screenrecord on the website that is currently broadcasting new Robin Hood episodes every weekend, I decided to create an alternative TikTok account dedicated to posting those episodes. 
          So, if you have access to TikTok in your country but cannot access the website broadcasting the new episodes ( ), you can give my alternate account a look to view the episodes!
          It is all in French and I suspect the English dub will be published once the original version is fully broadcast. We are 25 episodes in out of the traditional 52. 
          Also, to avoid copyright strikes on YouTube, I will only post the episodes on TikTok. I do not want to lose another YouTube account. For that you can check out another channel on there called 'Fluxurite'. They already posted the entire third season and are planning to publish more. It might only be accessable in specific countries.
          Here is my Alt account:
          (I hope both links work)
          Back to my books shortly, I realized I also have ADHD which obstacled me with lots of focus moments, which includes proofreading. (I, fortunately, am qualified for medicine, so, let's see how that goes.) I am currently having a hard time but try to at least edit the entirety of the RHMIS Book before February 2025. (Which is around 150k words in total) The BF scenario book will be next right after. So, the hiatus still stands. 
          That was all. Until then!


@Cokemelon2 I have yet to reply to your points, but do you have Instagram perhaps so we can chat privately about the show? If you have and want to, you can scroll down my posts and click on a link connected to my alt insta account.


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@Cokemelon2 (sorry for so many replies lol) i only watched one full episode of season 4 and it was episode 6, and in the episode they had Prince John turn into some weird ass dog and after that I noped the fuck out and haven't touched season 4 again because wtf have they done to my kinnie It kinda felt like the writers were putting their weird ass kinks into that episode.


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@Cokemelon2 Another thing they took away from his character, is that he used to have clear insecurities in season one. When Marian and Scarlett made comments about his  ears, and about his throne being too low down in season one, he took it seriously. Now if that happened in season 3 onwards(maybe season 2) he would just give some Chloe from Miraculous ahh response He also *used* to somewhat care about the villager's perception of him, and he wanted to be loved and looked up to by others, that's why he cheated in the horse race and the crocket(idk how to spell it) ternament. It's also the reason why he tried to pay the brigings into letting him arrest them. That's what I mean by complexities, interesting aspects about his character that I really enjoyed. He had some good moment in season 2, but everything good about his character got lost in season 3. To the point where the show isn't even about the rivalry between him and Robin. The show lost it's original premise. The premise could have easily still worked and did work with Richard joining the cast, but then the vikings were added and it just went to shit. I also feel like the show has too many random villains at this point and none of them really work. Like the sister theives. It just feels like the writers were trying to give the show it's token "girl boss" episode instead of actually expanding and developing on the MAIN fucking woman characters(Marian and Scarlett) who have been here since the pilot The show was also low key racist when it added that "gypsy" character. Gypsy is literally a slur which has been used against the romani people for centuries and they just casually wrote it into the script and had the VAs record it like If you're going to introduce a romani character and all the negative stereotypes which have been associated with romani people, AT LEAST put some melanin on her skin instead of making her model white as a ghost


Officially entering my last teenage year. 
          Or, to say it easier; Happy 19th birthday to me!


@GuessIllDie_69 happy bday  ( kinda late lol)


@GuessIllDie_69 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRIEND. I AM 19 YEARS OLD TOO, albeit mine's on July 6th.




The official trailer of season 4 dropped on the French Robin Des Bois channel an hour ago. 
          Personally, I am not feeling it with the vibes. 
          However, I will still write an analysis about it. Probably after the English trailer drops.
          French trailer:
          What do you guys think about the trailer? Is it what you expected? Does it seem promising to what you had in mind?


@writingmagic Not bad for a forth season, sure we got a female character from that season alone but still not bad.


@GuessIllDie_69 I think it doesnt look that bad tbh. We just gotta get used to the new magic but I believe that the vibes will be the same (with the friendships/found family trope mostly)


Apologies for the absence despite having promised to perhaps publish the latest scenario chapter of the scenario book. 
          I've done some required research to better my writing and am currently busy editing all of my previous works. I just started.
          Unfortunately, I am still experiencing writer's block and am focusing my attention on drawing instead. To keep the creativity flowing :) (the art is also RHMIS related)
          My account will remain offline for the time being in order to focus on editing and working off my writer's block. 
          When my profile status changes to full descriptions of this account it means I am back on track and ready to publish new chapters on both ongoing books. 
          I am currently editing around 200k words which include all oneshots, headcanons, short stories, AU chapters, and BF scenarios combined. 
          Apologies again, and until then. 
          Or when I get my hands on some Season 4 news. I always have time for that.
          See ya!


@GuessIllDie_69 Writer's blocks are always annoying, I understand completely. 
            Though I want you to make sure that there's no pressure from making all this!!! If there's something we readers care about more than the characters we like, it's the author behind the work we eat like pigs.  
            I am sure I speak for at least 99% of us when I say that you should prioritize your well-being. 
            "I just want you to know 'we' care." ♥️ "Do what feels best for you. Okay, " 



@GuessIllDie_69 lmao fr its because it literally takes them 4 years to release a new season i actually preffer their season 1 voices for all of the characters especially prince john and marian


@ baby_monkii  Yeah, Prince John got a new VA since season 3. Scarlett and Marian get replaced VA's every damn season, I noticed.


@GuessIllDie_69  FR? I ain't never noticed that I feel like in the new trailer prince john sounds like..less diva-ish idk how to describe it they is sound different to me for some reason


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          SEASON 4 LETS GOOOOO!!!!


@ GuessIllDie_69 
            Me founding out:
            Me realising that I live in Italy so it will take longer:


@GuessIllDie_69 hopefully it doesnt take 4 years to come out