
I’m thinking of buying Batman: the enemy within, but I haven’t played the first Telltale Batman game. Is it still possible for me to play the sequel? Or is there any big stories from the first game that I need to know of?
          I’m asking you for help sense it seemed like you knew a bit about Telltales Batman.


Okay, then I’ll watch it on YouTube before playing the sequel


@ThePinkAdminJulia You need to know the first game. Is important to play the first game, before to start the last one.


Hello ! (I'm french but @HirukoSaito talk about you on his story and I'm going to visit your profil. You aren't english you're French. What's happened ?) 
          Why do you talk in English language so you're French)
          (Je sais très bien parler anglais. I speak english very well.) 
          (What will you be when you grow up)
          (I tink you're ... not ... grow up XD)


@trao-san salut! C’est juste que c’est une langue que Je utilise plus sauvant c’est plus facile de parler avec les gens comme ça. 
            Bon je serai dessinateur et ingénieur informaticien (bon je pratique déjà ça depuis que je suis jeune, mais je considère ç’est deux là comme mon travail et job dans mes temps libres)