Happy Thanksgiving! Just posted part of a (hopefully) short story you can enjoy on your holiday! And for those of you where it's just an almost Friday day. :)
Diligent readers from the Once Upon Now contest, I should have sent out a message sooner but I'm a notorious procrastinator ;). Don't worry I will be updating When the Clock Strikes Twelve soon once I'm finished with my latest project. While you wait feel free to check it out! Red Moon Rising is about shifty Ninjas and complicated alliances and will be entered in the Wattys! Thanks! Luv ya guys!
Thanks C. Spektor for putting The Cyborg's Daughter. into your reading list. OK I think I'm sounding a little creepy there, but as new authors we get a real buzz every time someone finds our work. Please enjoy the book
Hugs RK+Reb